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300 2023-12-04 08:20




  • 1. 伊莉莎百货:这是成都最知名的百货公司之一,也是购买巧克力的绝佳选择。伊莉莎百货的食品部设有专门的巧克力区域,你可以在那里找到来自世界各地的顶级巧克力品牌。
  • 2. 巧克力甜品店:成都有许多专门的巧克力甜品店,它们以其制作精良的手工巧克力而闻名。你可以在这些店铺中找到各种巧克力产品,包括巧克力棒、松露巧克力和巧克力蛋糕等。
  • 3. 进口食品店:成都的一些进口食品店也提供多种口味独特的巧克力。这些店铺通常有来自比利时、瑞士、法国等国家的巧克力品牌,它们的品质和口感都非常好。



  • 1. 品牌信誉:选择来自知名品牌的巧克力是一个不错的起点。这些品牌通常有良好的信誉和高品质的产品。
  • 2. 原产地:巧克力的原产地也是选择的一个重要依据。比如,比利时和瑞士的巧克力通常被认为是世界上最好的。
  • 3. 口感偏好:不同巧克力有不同的口感,如苦味、甜味、浓郁的可可味等。选择符合自己口味偏好的巧克力会让你更加满意。



  1. 1. 嗅闻香气:将巧克力靠近鼻子,轻轻嗅闻它的香气。你可以从香气中感受到巧克力的品质和风味。
  2. 2. 慢慢细嚼:将巧克力慢慢放入口中,让它在舌尖上融化。用舌头仔细品味每一口巧克力的细腻口感。
  3. 3. 留意余味:巧克力的余味会在你品尝完后留在口腔中,仔细感受余味的变化和持久性。




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Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! Today I am going to share an article with you about where to buy chocolate in Chengdu.

Chengdu Chocolate Buying Recommendations

As a chocolate lover, I know that finding authentic and high-quality chocolate is a real treat. In Chengdu, there are many places that offer a variety of chocolate options. Here are a few recommended buying locations I have compiled for you:

  • 1. Elisa Department Store: This is one of the most well-known department stores in Chengdu and an excellent choice for buying chocolate. Elisa Department Store has a dedicated chocolate section in their food department, where you can find top-notch chocolate brands from around the world.
  • 2. Chocolate Dessert Shops: Chengdu has many specialty chocolate dessert shops known for their exquisite handmade chocolates. You can find a wide range of chocolate products in these stores, including chocolate bars, truffles, and chocolate cakes.
  • 3. Imported Food Stores: Some imported food stores in Chengdu also offer uniquely flavored chocolates. These shops usually carry chocolate brands from countries like Belgium, Switzerland, and France, known for their exceptional quality and taste.

How to Choose the Right Chocolate

When faced with a wide variety of chocolate options, it can sometimes be difficult to make a decision. Here are a few key points to consider when choosing the right chocolate:

  • 1. Brand Reputation: Choosing chocolate from reputable brands is a good starting point. These brands often have a good reputation and offer high-quality products.
  • 2. Country of Origin: The country of origin of the chocolate is also an important factor to consider. For example, chocolates from Belgium and Switzerland are generally considered to be among the best in the world.
  • 3. Personal Taste Preferences: Different chocolates have different flavors and textures, such as bitterness, sweetness, and rich cocoa flavor. Choosing chocolate that aligns with your taste preferences will ensure your satisfaction.

Chocolate Tasting Techniques

When you finally have your delicious chocolate in hand, knowing the proper way to taste it can enhance the experience. Here are a few techniques for tasting chocolate:

  1. 1. Smell the Aroma: Bring the chocolate close to your nose and gently inhale its aroma. You can sense the quality and flavor of the chocolate through its aroma.
  2. 2. Savor Slowly: Place the chocolate in your mouth and let it slowly melt on your tongue. Use your taste buds to savor the delicate texture of each bite.
  3. 3. Pay Attention to the Aftertaste: The aftertaste of chocolate lingers in your mouth after tasting. Pay close attention to the changes and longevity of the aftertaste.


Chocolate is an irresistible delicacy. In Chengdu, you have many places to purchase high-quality chocolate. I hope the buying locations and techniques I shared can help you find your favorite chocolate and enjoy the sweet flavors it brings.

Thank you for reading this article! If you have any questions about buying chocolates or any other suggestions, please leave a comment below. I look forward to engaging with all of you!



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